Masuk Daftar

on the side artinya

contoh kalimat "on the side"
  • She had these, these things on the side of her nose.
    La hal-hal di sisi hidungnya.
  • The white one with the 53 on the side.
    Yang putih itu dengan 53 di samping.
  • On the side of one, in parenthesis it says,
    Di sisi salah satunya, dalam kurung tertulis,
  • It says ingen on the side of that chopper!
    Ada tulisan InGen di sisi helikopter itu!
  • On the side of the house, but I can get it.
    Disamping rumah, tapi aku bisa.
  • And I think cops are on the side of vets.
    Dan kukira polisi juga tahu itu.
  • And I want you to write the name on the sides.
    Aku ingin kau tuliskan nama-namanya.
  • The square cut on the side of your boat.
    Ada potongan persegi di sisi perahu mu,
  • He's always on the side of the righteous, son.
    Dia selalu berada dipihak yang benar, nak.
  • What's with the smoke on the side of the road?
    Apa dengan asap di sisi jalan?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5